Posts Tagged ‘OWSI’

From OWSI to SI…

Wednesday, November 15th, 2017

… whereas SI means specialty instructor and I’ve made that up, I don’t think it’s an official acronym.

However, it’s only a small step and does not take much time or effort. Plus I think teaching specialties is more intriguing than the mainstream courses.

The next step is actually teaching and certifying but given my work life and the changes coming up, I don’t think I will have much time to teach people scuba diving. More’s the pity!

IE over… I’ve done it!

Tuesday, October 17th, 2017

You wouldn’t believe it…. I certainly don’t.

Actually, it wasn’t too hard. We didn’t do anything we hadn’t practiced before. But still…. a test is a test is a test and therefor you can fail.

Colour me relieved.

OWSI course completed… IE next

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017

Hard on the heels of the Divemaster and the Assistant Instructor program, I completed the OWSI course last weekend.

All in all quite demanding but also fun and you can learn tons of good things.

Sad note: The IE that was scheduled for this weekend was cancelled because there are not enough candidates. The next date is mid-October so somehow I have to make sure I don’t forget anything until then.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.