Archive for October, 2019

Finally finally done…

Friday, October 25th, 2019
block puzzle screenshot

In case you don’t know, this is the app called Block Puzzle (on Android). After 7 years of puzzling, I managed to finally solve the last remaining puzzle (#491) on 24. 10. 2019 at around 14:49 – in an airplane flying from Dublin to Paris. Perhaps as decadent as it gets.

I already asked the person who introduced me to Block Puzzles not to show me any more puzzles, thank you very much.

Anyway, done and happy with it.

The series continues…. CompTIA CASP+

Friday, October 11th, 2019

I started work extra early, left early and gave it all.

It was worth it: I passed the CompTIA CASP+ (003) exam today. First try, like all the other IT exams so far.

Again, CompTIA exam. Vague on purpose so I felt terrible during the exam. Out of 80 questions I had almost half marked for review but after two out of three hours and two review rounds I handed the exam in… et foilĂ .

This particular exam does not give you a score, just a pass / fail result.

The beloved (dreaded) Red Hat 5 server simulation was there as well as the download simulation.

The range of difficulty of the questions is so wide…. some questions are really simple (or at least seem to be as I don’t know if I got them right or not), other questions… no clue at all about the correct answer.

Tonight it’s time to celebrate… next week Thursday I’ll take on the CKAD exam, the last one for this year. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

minikube, macOS and virtualbox

Friday, October 11th, 2019

minikube is an awesome tool to play around with Kubernetes and it’s easy to install on macOS if you already have brew installed (not much harder if you just follow the instructions on though)

But sometimes, just sometimes…. spinning up a Kubernetes cluster with minikube does not work… it gets stuck somewhere. You can crank up the debug level which will fill your screen your message and you can searchengine whatever error message it spits out and try to fix it. I’ve tried it but it takes and usually does not bear frut. In the end doing the following always fixed the issues:

shutdown any minikube clusters that are running (on purpose or not)
make sure virtualbox is turned off (when in doubt, check with ps aux | grep -i virtualb )
rm -rf .minikube
rm -rf .kube
brew cask reinstall virtualbox
if you’re feeling adventerous, you can upgrade minikube and kubectl at the same time.
then spin up minikube again: minikube start -p <yourclusternamehere> (I like not using the default cluster)