Archive for March, 2019

Books I’m reading at the moment (March 2019)

Wednesday, March 27th, 2019

星空を願った狼の by Shiina Takasato (
Still 30 more pages to go….

Desperation by Stephen King
( – Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson is such a good read, I put this on the backburner…

红豚 by a friend of a co-worker but it has a low priority at the moment

限りなく透明に近いブルー ( Making progress… good thing it’s not too long a book.

I also read and already finished “A Blink of the Screen” by the late and great Terry Pratchett.

IT Security for home users – keep your applications up to date

Friday, March 1st, 2019



My personal suggestion is ninite, to be found at

Select the applications you want to use, download the installer and run it only a daily basis – it will keep you up to date and safe(r)



Love it or hate it, but minor applications can easily be installed via the AppStore e.g. Line or Slack

Advantage: You will get an update notification from the AppStore if an update is available


Follow the instructions on the brew HP:

Once this is done, you can install, update or uninstall applications from the command line


brew install wget

brew cask install macvim

brew cask install gimp

brew cask install libreoffice

brew cask install quodlibet

brew cask install virtualbox

brew cask install chromium

brew cask install projectlibre

brew cask install vlc

brew cask install skype

brew cask install minikube

brew cask install firefox

brew cask install keepassx

brew cask install box-sync


brew cask uninstall <cask_name>


brew update && brew outdated && brew upgrade && brew cleanup