If you work with computers you know what I mean: Everyone in your family thinks you know everything about all computers and all software and your spare time is endless.
Enter a family member with a newly bought Asus Eee PC 1001PX installed in a foreign language, conveniently bought abroad as it’s cheaper there. Request: Make it so it’s in ma language, boyo!
Hm… let’s see. Ingredients?
Windows XP Home CD? Check!
Removable CD/DVD-Drive? Yes, but not at hand.
A 2nd computer? Check!
Unfortunately, just booting from the Windows XP Home CD does not work because the required SATA driver is not included on the CD – all tries resulted in a BSOD. Even changing the SATA adapter settings in the BIOS from Advanced (AHCI) to Legacy or Advanced (IDE) did not help.
nLite to the rescue! *insert fanfare*
Thanks to the handy tool nLite and this precise description I was able to create a bootable Windows XP Home CD with integrated SP2 and the relevant drivers in 15 minutes! After burning the .iso to a CD, I was ready to go.
*ThumbsUp* for everyone who contributed to nLite. Really made my day after getting some bad news…